
New age of building administration

“Home automation utilized to be a elegant dream with overwhelming style costs. In Finland these dreams have been relied on daily truth even for builders of one-family houses with mass tailoring software application as well as standardization.
Previously a builder of a one-family house had to offer with at least four different vendors. now automation is packaged with the rest of the building technology, therefore the client gets the overall bundle as a turn key solution. wise building administration systems ensure not only superior indoor comfort as well as outstanding security, however likewise minimized operating costs of the facility.
The foundation of the idea is the building operating system, named COBA (Connected open building Automation). COBA definitions were produced in a standardization job of business representing different industries, from telecommunications to building as well as services. When the standardization job started, its vision was to produce an operating system for buildings, which would offer an open basic for simple as well as secure gain access to to building functionality. Today the innovation is in extensive industrial use. The vision proved to be right already in the very first projects..

The building operating system offers a typical interface to all facility administration systems: heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, usage metering, gain access to control, video surveillance in addition to burglar, terminate as well as humidity alarms. The definitions likewise include modeling of buildings, spaces, devices, systems, as well as individuals according to worldwide alliance for Interoperability’s IFC model. The IFC idea is based on the concept of objects brought together in an integrated model.

The effective style as well as application process is based on open interfaces as well as modeling. The designer collects the demands as well as styles the solution using prepared designs as well as templates. The integrator completes the job utilizing effective tools that automate most of the programming work. In the end, the purchaser can compare what was designed as well as simulated with what was implemented. Integration enables different building administration systems to work together seamlessly as well as to be managed according to needs as well as situations.

So what does COBA allow in concrete terms? premium high quality building administration systems implemented with very little costs. Smooth electronic system development process with significantly improved efficiency. No handbook work, no errors. Mass-production of mass-customized building administration systems. glue between building as well as ICT clusters.

Smart house is not a new idea, as well as it has been approached from many viewpoints. Some focus on networking home appliances, others on entertainment electronics. the most essential source of added value and, thus, the most natural approach is building technology. When the inhabitants in the home change, they usually take their stereos with them. building innovation stays in the building. A building operating system, like COBA, can be used for networking entertainment as well as home gadgets effectively with the building technology.

Gaining full benefits from this forefront innovation on a worldwide scale will need networking of excellent business in each market. In the past, Finnish business had strong influence on development of the GSM standard. The exact same might be now happening in the field of building administration systems.

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